Friday, January 21, 2011

94 Days To Go

I haven't been good about updating this but I am going to try to get better! As you can see by the title, the count down has begun!!! We are super excited and ready for Owen to get here! I just found out about an hour ago that his is going to have a little girl cousin in June. Daniel's sister is pregnant and they just found out it was a girl this morning. I am excited becuase I like making tutus and bows but can't for a little boy. Now we are just waiting to find out what our friends are going to have! If it is a boy, Owen will have a little buddy, if it is a girl, I think we will go the arranged marriage route! :) They are due the beginning of July, we are excited for Owen to have a friend to grow up with, boy or girl, it doesn't really matter.

I should probably get back to working, I just wanted to update all ONE of my followers! :) Hi Tiff!


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